Thu, 12 June 2014
This week on Pop Fashion we ask an important question: if you murder the CEO of a fashion company can you apply for a job with them almost 20 years later? Consumer Reports finds the best nail polish on the market (and the answer is surprising), Pharrell gets in hot water over a headdress, Karl is on the lookout for a new model for Chanel and Fendi, and Lisa talks about the connection between food and fashion diets. Shonda Rhimes (of Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal fame) has some wise words for grads and entrepreneurs regarding dreaming versus doing. Come hang out with us! Twitter: @JustPopFashion
Direct download: Gucci_Murder_Revisited_Fashion_Diets__Turning_Dreaming_into_Doing_.m4a
Category:fashion -- posted at: 5:00pm EST |